Community Success

SOL - Saving Our Legacy


The SOL Project has been instrumental in advancing smoke-free and tobacco control policies across the region, creating healthier environments for all. Our advocacy efforts have led to major victories, including the passage of smoke-free outdoor dining laws ensuring that residents can enjoy meals without exposure to secondhand smoke, protecting public transportation riders and employees from harmful tobacco exposure and our work contributed to bans on menthol and flavored tobacco products, reducing youth access to harmful substances.

  • Elk Grove’s Smoke-free outdoor dining law
  • Rancho Cordova’s smoke-free outdoor dining law
  • Smoke-free Sacramento Regional Transit District
  • Sacramento city and county ban on menthol and community flavored tobacco products
  • Stockton Flavored Ban
  • Community Action Plan

Saving Our Legacy, African Americans for Smoke Free Safe Places (SOL Project), and a Social Determinants of Health Planning Committee comprised of health educators, public servants, health care practitioners, policymakers, and non-profits came together to develop a community action plan (CAP) that addresses social determinants of health among African Americans in Sacramento California. 

The CAP  explores disparities related to: 

  • Heart Disease
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Tobacco Use 
  • Obesity  

It is our hope that the CAP will spark a movement among organizations, medical providers, businesses, community advocates, and residents to implement more strategic and synchronized efforts around social determinants of health.